SEO Company Johannesburg

Monday, 25 March 2013

Multipliers-how the best leaders make everybody smarter review

Multipliers is a book based on research done by leadership expert Liz Wiseman and management consultant Greg McKeown.  They found that there are two very distinct types of leaders: Multipliers - Leaders that uses their intelligence to amplify the intelligence and capabilities of the people around them; Diminishers - They drain intelligence of the people around them and more often than not only get around 50% of the available intelligence from the people that work for them.

Their research have shown that Multipliers had the following 5 disciplines in common;
  1. The Talent Magnet: Attracts talented people and uses them at their highest point of contribution.
  2. The Liberator: Creates an intense environment that requires people's best thinking and work.
  3. The Challenger: Defines an opportunity that causes people to stretch.
  4. The Debate Maker: Drives sound decisions through rigorous debate.
  5. The Investor: Gives other people the ownership for results and invests in their success.
In Today's competitive business environment, companies have no choice but to stretch their resources in an attempt to drive down costs and become more profitable.

Implementing the 5 Multiplier disciplines effectively in your organisation will have a massive impact on profitability.  Just imagine doubling the productivity of your workforce without appointing additional people, how will this impact your competitiveness?

This is a must read for any manager that wants his organisation or department to stay competitive in today's knowledge economy.

Take a free test now to see how you measure up on the Multiplier/ Diminisher Scale.

For more information visit   

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